Cooperative Analog and Digital Signal Processing (CADSP)
We define cooperative analog-digital signal processing (CADSP) as looking at the issues of using combinations of programmable analog signal processing and digital signal processing techniques for real world processing. Neither analog signal processing or digital signal processing can exist in current technologies without the other; that is, real-world signals are analog while much of the modern control and communication is digital. In the end, the question is where to partition the analog-digital boundry to enhance the overall functionality of a system by utilizing analog/digital computations in mutually beneficial way. CADSP allows freedom of movement for the partition between the analog and digital computation. CADSP is a superset of mixed-signal research in that it focuses heavily on algorithms as well as circuit implementation.
This research can play an important role in advancing the technology and hastening its adoption into commercial design. While the range of applications for computable memories reach from auditory and speech processing, to beamforming, multidimensional signal processing, and radar computations, communications processing, and image processing and recognition, we are concentrating on applications in auditory/speech processing and multidimensional signal processing.